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Class 16, Wednesday, October 24, 2018–Declarations Against Interest
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass16garland_10-24-18 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass16garland_10-24-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
TA Midterm Review–Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Here is the audio of the review: TAMidteRmrevgarland_review_10-23-18_1 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the review: TAMidtermRevgarland_review_10-23-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 15, Monday, October 22, 2018–Statements for Medical and Former Testimony
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass15garland_10-23-18 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass15garland_10-23-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 14, Wednesday, October 17, 2018–State of Mind
The video did not record, but here is the audio: EvClass14garland_10-17-18 Or, you could play it now:
Class 13, Monday, October 15, 2018–Spontaneous Utterances
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass13garland_10-15-18 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass13garland_10-15-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 12, Wednesday, October 10, 2018–Opposing Party’s Statements, Including Co-Conspirators’ Statements
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass12garland_10-10-18 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass12garland_10-10-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 11, Monday, October 7, 2018–Intro to Confrontation Clause, concluded & Intro to Exemptions and Exceptions
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass11garland+10-08-18 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass11garland+10-08-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 10, Wednesday, September 3, 2018–Hearsay, NOTMA Concluded and Intro to Confrontation Clause
Here is the audio of the class: EvClass10garland_10-03-18_1 Or, you could play it now: And, here is the video of the class: EvClass10garland_10-03-18_1 Or, you could play it now:
Class 9, Monday, October 1, 2018–More Hearsay: NOTMA
Once more the recordings for today’s class failed. So, once again, I have recordings from a prior year covering the same material, for the most part. Here is the video of the first part: EvClass13 Or, you could play it now: … Continue reading
Class 9, Wednesday, September 26, 2018–Introduction to Hearsay
Due to unforeseen and unforeseeable circumstances the class on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 was not recorded. So, I am posting here a video (sorry, not a separate audio file) of the last class I did that covered the same material–the … Continue reading